Monday, 28 November 2011

Sewing machine broken - AGAIN!

Well after only having my machine back for a couple of weeks it is not working again - dropping stitches, getting stuck and all sorts. Would love to get myself a nice new digital one!! My local repair man is having a look at it today so hopefully it will be back with me by the end of the week, so I can finish the million and one projects I start and then get bored.... they include a duvet cover for my youngest using an old duvet cover that belonged to my late Grandparents, some bunting for twin girls (these are unfinished due to the machine packing up) and a big eclectic mish mash patchwork quilt.

I started a new job this week, at M&S - just over Christmas. I am hoping that they will give me something permanent after my contract ends and then I dont have to take as many cake orders - dont get me wrong I love making cakes for people but it just got a bit too successful a bit too quick (I should be grateful I know, but everyone and everything seems to get neglected - children, housework etc) and I am only just learning to say 'no' to people, so this month I have exactly what I didn't want - every weekend in December is booked for at least 3 cakes, plus a wedding, which is extremely stressful stuff. So I have decided to cut down on them a bit, make some more stuff that is non edible (and experiment with edible stuff too!) and enjoy my children and writing my blog. Life is too short for too much stress! 

So since I last wrote it has been my birthday - we took a trip to the wonderful Emma Bridgewater factory in Stoke on Trent where we went on a factory tour, decorated our own pottery, had a lovely lunch and spent far too much money (and a little wander round Ikea on the way back with some meatballs thrown in for good measure. And yes I did buy tealights. It's the law, right?!) I treated myself to a lovely Joy bowl to display at Christmas and some dinner plates. My lovely Tom made me a cake for my birthday - bless him! It matched my favourite Emma Bridgewater mug too - so thoughtful.

My amazing cake made by my amazing hubby to be!!

I got some great books for my birthday - Lorraine Pascales new book, and Kirstie Allsopp's new craft book - cant wait to try some stuff out, the Lorraine Pascale book has some lovely looking stuff in it, I will let you know how I get on! Hoping to do a bit of a 'Come Dine With Me' evening for some friends at some point so that seems the perfect time to use the book!

My Birthday Haul!!

I will be doing some Christmas shopping this week (hopefully) - I'm one of those people that always says "I'm going to get it all done by November" and then never does it... Well take care folks, til next time.
